Teach DLG 120
Centering both dialogic content and processes, DLG 120 introduces UIC students to dialogic communication through a first-year seminar.
If you're interested in teaching in DLG 120, please email Jess Joslin (joslin@uic.edu).
Through a wide variety of in-class activities, readings, facilitated conversation, and other assignments, students will explore their own identities and build relationships across difference. With students, instructors work to create an environment promoting dialogic practices, learn about themselves and others, and explore how they can work together.
DLG 120 is a one-credit, 8-week course and enrollment is capped at 18 students. The course is primarily for first-year students, with several sections for upper-level students each semester. All instructors are paired with a co-facilitator, and each is paid through a 1 credit over-comp payment of $1,500. The process for receiving an over-comp payment varies by department and unit, but often requires supervisor approval. The time commitment amounts to approximately 4-5 hours per week.
As an instructor, you will receive training on the Dialogue 120 curriculum, which you and your co-facilitator will be responsible for sharing with students throughout the term. You will also meet regularly with your fellow instructors for support, community and continuing education.
Expectations of instructors are as follows:
- Attending all course sections, required trainings and instructor meetings
- Review of all course readings and materials before each section
- Timely grading of submitted assignments
- Timely communication of announcements and responding to student inquiries
- Oversight of the accompanying Blackboard site for your section
- Meet and communicate regularly with your co-instructor to prepare for weekly class sessions
- Commitment to create an inclusive and welcoming learning environment for all students
- Abide by all university policies and guidelines
We hope you will consider joining us!